About Us

Acts Nine

Boy and Girl exchanging flower

Over the past 5 years, we opened our home to refugees and asylum-seekers for bi-monthly dinners.  Other Believers helped us with this ministry.  We ate meals together, shared testimony stories, told Bible stories, played games, and prayed together.   

Our goal was always to show God’s love through compassionate, gracious, and honest care in order to build relationships of friendship and trust.  Through the Holy Spirit in us, we wanted to show those non-believers who came that Christians loved in a way that could only be God-inspired and God-given.

Through these interactions with non-believers, and with those who became believers, we learned that a convert could suffer dire penalties from their family, or from their community, because of their conversion.  New believers were at risk of bodily harm, community ostracization, ex-communication, being driven from their homes, and even death.  

God provoked us to pray and wonder how we could help.  At the end of 2021, God gave us an idea to implement.  It was an idea based on the same principles as shelters for battered/abused women.  In December of 2021, we incorporated a non-profit aimed at rescuing new believers who come to Christ and are endangered by their families, and/or their communities. 

Acts NINE Purpose

The purpose of Acts NINE is to compassionately show the love of Christ to endangered, underserved, and displaced persons, by providing a safe harbor to live life without oppression and marginalization. Acts Nine supports and fosters individuals’ progress as they move through levels of growth and accomplishment, toward becoming self-sufficient and experiencing growth spiritually, mentally, socially, and physically.


Magnolia Baptist Church


North American Muslim Background Believers Associates

North American Muslim Background Believers Associates