Acts Nine

Loving, discipling, and teaching life to new believers


Acts NINE provides sanctuary for new believers, who are fleeing oppressive, dangerous situations, so they may find hope and safety to grow and develop their new relationship with God.   

Acts NINE invests in their lives and improves their quality of life by mentoring, teaching, and guiding them, to face the challenges of daily living, and to mature in their new faith.

living out the christian faith

Acts NINE Goals

  1. Purchasing/leasing safe living spaces
  2. Discipling into a deeper relationship with Jesus
  3. Building a team of Mentors/Guides
  4. Teaching life skills: ESL, citizenship, basic education, job skills, career exploration, etc.
  5. Providing an on-ramp to independence
  6. Direct residents in the use of social services.

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Sign Up for Our Prayer List

Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, -Ephesians 6:18 Please add Acts NINE's families, children, case managers, volunteers, and partners to your prayer list. We covet the prayers of the Saints!

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